Friday, May 13, 2011

Brink Review

War never changes. You may or may not have heard of Brink, one of Splash Damage's newest games. Set in an gritty utopian city, named The Ark, the team based FPS lets you play as a soldier in the frontlines of a war for freedom.

It uses a class based system, kind of like Team Fortress 2. Like most FPS games, it has both singleplayer and multiplayer options. Depending on how players are doing ingame, the Commander will give out missions. Players customize their characters using XP points they earn in battle. The creators claim that players can customize their characters 102 quadrillion different ways that way. While not bad, Brink never made it to what it planned to achieve.

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The Ark is a dangerous place kiddies.
The Review
The thing about this game, is that the good just barely outweighs the bad. The first thing I will say, is that this game is beautiful. Not Megan Fox beautiful, but good for a game I guess. It seems they have created a pretty good art style here. One of the good things is the fact that, while in multiplayer, you can easily get lost in the action. Studies show that people find it fun to shoot other people in the face, and boy, this proves it. Another one of Brink's strengths that keep it more original and interesting, is the vast way to customize your avatar. Chances are, you will eventually make a character you love to look at. (Boy, that sounds weird...) The characters classes help too, as they are all well rounded and kick ass in their own way.

Now here is what sucks. The AI in singleplayer sucks. Apparently, in this world, it is commonplace to see soldiers run into walls. War sucks. Oh, the lag! How can I enjoy watching guys walk into walls when the frame rate goes down to 10 frames per second everytime someone gets shot?! The last noticeable bad highlight is the number of maps available. It seems they spent so much time on character customization that the forgot to design some levels, so they threw half a dozen cookie-cutter ones in.

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The city of attraction.
The Good: Looks great, multiplayer can be very fun and action-packed, character classes and customization are great,

The Bad: Enemy AI sucks, lots of lag on multiplayer and not enough maps.

Result: I give it 3 out of 5.

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