Friday, May 27, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2: The Video Game Review

Please Note: This review is for the Xbox 360 version only.

Everybody's kung-fu fighting. Except me. This game just sucks. I love the movies it is based on, do not get me wrong, but it is a movie licensed game so it it bound to suck... The game casts you as Po, a big fat panda, on a journey to save kung-fu from a peacock. Yep. That is the plot. And the game uses Kinect. Great... More stupid looking action... The game also has some stupid minigames, but I am not discussing those.

The Review
Do not get me wrong. While this game is a train-wreck, it is not the worst game I played. Want to know what the worst was?


Anyway. Here we go. The game looks pretty good. While it might not be beautiful, it is not that bad. The sound effects may sound kind of stupid, but they fit the crazy nature of the movies. The voice acting really has some charm. Po sounds just like in the movies. The only voice acting problem is Monkey... He sounds really awful. The cutscenes between the (repetitive) action tell the story well, and has the same feel as the movies.

Everybody is kung-fu fighting!
This is where it starts to go downhill... The game is repetitive. There is only a handful of enemies in the game, and you kick each of their asses hundreds of times in the same way. The music is just as repetitive as the action. The same beat plays pretty much throughout the whole game. The last issue with this game is the most important. The controls are some of the worst I seen. Sometimes the game does not pick up when you kick (with the Kinect)  at all and you get beat up by bad guys on a regular basis. A kung-fu master couldn't play this shit.

Shit! Shit!
The Good: The various cutscenes tell the story well, and the graphics, sounds and voice acting are not that bad.

The Bad: Repetitive action, the music is not that great, and really, really bad controls.

The Result: I give it 2 out of 5.

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  1. Can you at least play as other characters in this one? How can somebody make a game about a bumbler surrounded by bad-ass martial artists, but not give you the ability to play as anyone but the bumbler? Namco should have done this and made it a fighting game. Even a Smash Brothers rip-off would be better than Kung Fu Panda's crappy game offerings with their non-canon plots and VERY limited character selection. I'd have even bought the Legendary Warriors games if they were relased for anything other than Nintendo's Kiddy systems. All for the ability to play as my favorite kfp movie character, Master Tigress.

  2. @Anonymous: No you can call the other guys like tigress and monkey to help, but you do most of the work as Po. Thanks for your comment.
